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An exciting new chapter, introducing dypt premium

Monday February 05, 2024
An exciting new chapter, introducing dypt premium

A new era for dypt

It's been a little while since I've written a new blog post. But that hasn't meant that nothing has been happening behind the scenes. Quite the opposite, I've been a busy bee working on some exciting new features and updates.


Incorporating dypt into a limited company

The first piece of news is that I've incorporated into a limited company with dypt now being developed and managed by Poyzer Tech Limited, marking a new chapter in our journey.

I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have shared your thoughts and feedback to help me get to this point. This has been a life long dream of mine and I'm excited to have reached this milestone. Don't fear, it's still the same dypt you know and love, run by the same person, just under a company now.

Going forwards, you'll now see Poyzer Tech Limited refered to in our emails, documentation, privacy policy and terms of service but the dypt brand will remain the same.

But that's not all dear reader...

Premium plans: dypt Pro and VIP

I'm also thrilled to announce the launch of our new premium plans: dypt pro and dypt vip. These plans bring a range of exclusive features to take your task management to the next level.

As I promised, dypt continues to have a generous free tier (now called dypt starter) which has all the features you know and love.

You can continue to use dypt completely for free, but if you're looking for more, our premium plans are for you.

You can find out more about our premium plans on our pricing page and in our updated documentation.

Let's dive into the new features you can expect from our premium plans...

Advanced AI: more insightful task break downs

🤖 Embrace the future with our advanced AI mode - this features uses a far more intelligent AI model to generate better quality and more insightful task break downs.

You'll get smarter task break downs that help you get through your tasks faster with better results. As a premium user, you can use both the original basic model and the new advanced model, whichever the situation demands.

Private sharing: collaborate with ease

🔒 Introducing private sharing - a feature that lets you collaborate on tasks privately. Share tasks with specific people, selecting the level of permission you give to each user. Edit tasks together as you work towards shared goals.

A problem shared is a problem halved after all.

Tasks from images: capture tasks from photos

📷 Snap a picture, and use AI to intelligently and automatically capture tasks from it in dypt.

Save time and maintain your organisation even when you're on the go and rushed for time. Running late for your next meeting but need to capture the tasks from the whiteboard to share with your team? No problem, just snap a picture and let dypt do the rest.

Some more examples of how you can use this feature:

  • Create tasks from handwritten notes
  • Create tasks from lists on a whiteboard
  • Create tasks from a mind map
  • Create tasks from a screenshot of a document
  • Create tasks from a photo of a book page
  • Create a step by step guide how to fix a broken object
  • Suggest a recipe from a photo of ingredients in your fridge

Daily summary: start your day informed

🌅 Get a head start on your day with our daily summary emails. These emails give you a quick overview of your day’s tasks, so you're always a step ahead. They summarise overdue and upcoming deadlines and give you a view of your priority tasks.

Updated documentation

We’ve revamped our documentation to make it more comprehensive and user-friendly. Find all the information you need about our new features and updates with ease.

You can also find a full list of the changes to dypt on our changelog.

Special offer for our early adopters

I'm really pleased to share that we have a limited time offer for our incredible early adopters.

Sign up for our Pro and VIP plans today using our introductory offer. You'll get 10% off for the life of your subscription, making a great deal even better.

Just enter promo code EARLYBIRD at checkout to apply your discount.

Excited to use the new features? Head over to our pricing page to get the full run down on dypt pro and vip.

I'm all ears

I'd love to hear your thoughts on these new features. Your feedback helps dypt grow and improve. Feel free to get in touch via email or connect on social media.

Until next time friends,

Dane ❤️

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